
Wholesale Carriers
Retail Carriers
End Users
4G Networks

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T8 will adopt a fairly intently focused market strategy. A logical segmentation breaks the market down into the following: Wholesale carriers, Retail Carriers End Clients, 4G Turnkey Networks and Consultancy. Descriptions are provided below.

Wholesale Carriers.

bulletCarriers who buy and sell minutes based on volume to and from third party carriers. T8 can offer high quality, low cost volume proposition to tier-1 and like carriers.

Retail Carriers.

bulletRetail Carriers who own a client base and sell either direct routes to minority communities or a full A-Z destination to their client base can benefit from T8’s offer as a one-stop-shop proposal to such enterprises.

End Users.

bulletIndividual clients can use T8’s routes to make low cost telephone calls by dialling either an access number or pre-pay / post pay an account for a full A-Z destinations.

Turn-Key Networks.

bulletCountries or operators will be able to provide the latest in technology to their cities or the most remotest parts of their country using the very quick to provide, low cost and high quality 4G wireless network.


bulletT8’s founders have a wealth of expertise ranging from wholesale to retail telecommunications solutions to offer its client base, allowing existing carriers or start-ups to benefit from our or our partners expertise to increase sales, add value to existing portfolio or reduce operation cost at no loss of quality or service.



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